Professional Services

Sessions & Fees

Wellness Session Overview

Our sessions, whether held via video chat or over the phone, or in person are designed for relaxation and deep healing. To get the most out of your experience, I suggest finding a comfortable spot, whether that be in a chair or on your bed. Some clients even fall asleep during the session, which can aid in deeper processing. We start by discussing your health goals and desires for the session, and then it's time to focus on relaxation. You'll be guided to take deep breaths and enter a state of deep relaxation, as we tap into the quantum field of energy. Here, all possibilities for healing can become a reality when with our focused awareness on what your subconscious mind wants to tell you. I establish a connection with your subconscious mind with biofeedback. As this communication is established and continues, I explain what your body's innate wisdom is telling you. Working with BodyTalk, your body, mind and spirit shift when I energetically tap over your head, heart, and gut brains. Working with The Body and Emotion Codes, these shifts occur as I swipe a magnet over your governing vessel meridian. The subconscious mind tells us when the session is complete and suggests the timing for your next session.

First Session

During our first session, we'll go over your health history and any specific concerns you have. Then, it's time to start relaxing and let your body reveal the priorities to be addressed. We'll enter a state of silence as I focus on our presence in the quantum field, and communicate with your subconscious mind (the body's innate wisdom) through biofeedback. We will guided to us the most effective techniques and modalities to balance your energy and consciousness.

Follow-Up Sessions

Follow-up sessions begin with a quick update on your progress. Your subconscious mind will continue to guide you forward on your individually designed path for healing. These sessions are dynamic in that they bring greater wellness based on shifts achieved in prior sessions.

Free Consultation

A 20-minute phone call to help you determine if you’d like to schedule a full session. We will talk about your concerns and your questions will be answered.

Free Essential Oil Consultation

A 45-minute phone call or video chat to discuss your wellness goals and how to support these with essential oils.

Wellness Session

We meet by video chat, over the phone or in person to work on your desired goals. These 50 minute sessions provide wellness upgrades for the wholisitic health of your body, mind and spirit.

Reiki Session

A 50 minute session in which hands are laid upon you to channel universal sacred energy that brings balance and healing wherever needed. This is when spirit can come in to heal the body and mind.